Outdoor Heritage Advisory Council

The average child spends less than seven minutes in unstructured outdoor play but can spend seven hours or more a day on social media, playing video games and other forms of digital entertainment. With the digital world consuming students’ attention, being out in a natural environment appears to be a thing of the past. But recent events have proven that the outdoors are more crucial to young people than ever. Outdoor Heritage Advisory Council of North Carolina (OHAC) needed to be recognized as a viable option to get children outdoors again. Interest in the outdoors has grown in the current year, and thanks to OHAC, we will continue to see a rise in outdoor activity.

CCL was tasked with building a web presence for OHAC to help spread the word of their goal to help children and educators alike with funding for outdoor education. From helping fund field trips to awarding excellence in hunting, fishing, and other outside hobbies, their audience is now more informed about their mission and impact. Many teachers and clubs have utilized these materials to obtain grants to help with their classrooms and events. So from CCL’s perspective, we played a part in getting kids back outside.

Outdoor Heritage Advisory Council